Thursday, September 16, 2010

Questions # 1

1. Do you agree with the author Daniel Vila when he states that "Latin American class struggle is ignored by U.S. media?

2.Define- Inter Monetary Fund (IMF) in your own words. Why do you think many people are against the IMF?



Destiny :-* said...

1. Yes i do agree with Daniel Vila because we say we going to help out those poor latin american countries but we never do. Guess they have more important things to deal with.

2.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 187 countries, working for financial stability, economic growth and etc. Basically helping out poor countries. I think some people are agaisnt it because they help out poor countries therefor its likely that more crisis will occur.

chris A said...

1.I agree that the us media does not pay attention to Latin America because most of the things in the reading I have never heard of them.

2. The (IMF) is an organization that is meant to help countries financially. one reason for people not liking the (IMF) IS because they do not allow shipment of certain products because of the agreement that they made.

yaritza fanini said...

1. I agree with the article because it's absolutely true! The united states can care less about what it is Latin American contries want. All the united states really cares about is having the leader of the country by it's side keeping their relationship tight without taking into consideration that the leaders are not the only ones within the country.

yaritza fanini said...

2. (IMF) an international organization that basically helps countries with money. Many people dislike the IMF because there's a high unemployment rate all over many countries and the IMF is supposed to aid the countries during their hard times yet they don't. The super powers in control of the organization seem to be stingy.

Dbriggs said...

1) I do agree with what the author states in the article above because what he is saying is most definitely true. Most of the time on the news or even on cnn it is rare that we ever hear much about the struggle that the poor and working classes in Latin America actually face. Most of the time we just hear about the negatives about the poor and working class such as drug bust's, gang violence etc. However never have I once heard until I read this article what these people fight for in order to gain equality and rights. All of the numerous strikes and revolts throughout Latin America show these struggles and what they actually do stand for.

Dbriggs said...

2)Inter Monetary Fund- It is a central organization that tries to maintain economic stability throughout its countries. Its main purpose is to also prevent monetary crisis. Many people are against this because instead of the ideal purpose this is supoose to be used for has flipped and is actually its downfall. For example these programs end up borrowing too much money used for progams/services leaving their people in a deeper debt then they were in before. Also these programs affect them socially making them weak so they can take over the people's freedoms and their power.

BreanaH. said...

1. I agree with David Vila that the Latin American working class is being unheard by the United States. The U.S is not reaching is simply because we are too caught up in our own controversies and economic downfalls to help other countries. American society has recently become so obsessed with anti terrorism and the war, that we forget that there is a whole world out there that could possibly need our help, besides rushing to where there's a natural disaster!

2. The IMF was created and designed to promote trade, and increase living standards through economic growth. It was established in December 1945 to ensure other countries that an economic disaster would occur, and there would not be a repetition of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Controversies arise when IMF lends too much money to countries that are newly upcoming and established. People are against the IMF because they are being cheated out of their hard earned money, and then force their own policies onto the hard working third world countries. These third world countries are suffering under the policies of the IMF because they are being encouraged by IMF to export any crops or materials, rather than helping to sustain the farmer or merchant directly.

naya.alvarado said...

I agree wit Daniel V that there is not enough attention being paid to latin american countries

& the IMF is an organization that helps countries through finacial problems.Some people dislike this organization because of the high unemployeement rates and i also believe because we are going through finacial problems at the moment it is hard to aid other coutries that are going through the same thing.

Junior said...

I AGREEEEE because if thier was to be more on latin america and itz well being more people would do things ..

About the IMF ... helps fincial things and if unemployment rates are high we are going through problems i think it will be very hard to help other people when we cant help ourselves

sonya_n said...

1. Yes i would say that Latin american struggles arent the u.s's 1st priority nor other states because i never really heard the details about actual problems in south america. I thought evertything was gucci down there!!

What was the hostage situation in Peru??

2. IMF-Funding a cuntry in need finacially to get back on track

F.Pearson said...

1. I agree because the u.s always say they would do something but at the end of the day they dont. they say they would help latin america but never do. i would say the u.s is sometimes selfish and disrespeectful to those in need at times

Jhunior G. said...

i think is true that US media ignores some of the problems that latin american class has. specially does problems in which the US gets no benefits form. for instance, the US media only shows problems which are world wide know like terrorist or drugs. also shows the ones in that the US is portray as a "Good Samaritan", helping those poor people.

The IMF is an organization which is suppose to ensure economic growth and stabilization of the associate countries. many people are against the IMF because in some of the countries that organization got then deeper in debts and poverty. an example was jamaica, before it entered the IMF, the jamaican dollar worth more than US dollar, now is a lot less due to the debts it got from the trades that the IMF help to built with the US.

maya said...

yes i do agree that latin american class struggle and are ignored by the us media, because we we are not helped finacialy expecially us middle class people or poor. our problems are ignored and most of us although can have a good education are unemployed