Monday, January 17, 2011

Final Research Paper

“Che Guevara, a revolutionary in Cuba, has become an internationally recognized figure. While many people are familiar with his achievements of helping to overthrow and rebuild the Cuban government, his image has expanded well beyond his political success. Che’s picture has been seen all over the world, in every imaginable context. Many people associate Che Guevara with the very word “revolution,” while others remember Che as a brutal and ruthless guerilla”.

Task: Write a 3-5 page paper describing whether Che should be considered a hero or a villain.  You must use quotes, facts, and excerpts from at least 1 book source and 1 Internet source.  If you wish you may use the film as an additional source.  Due date: Thursday, January 27, 2011.

This will count as your final exam. 

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